FilmoraGo APK 3.1.4 Latest version free Download Officially [35MB]

Imagine that, do you have to make sweet amazing videos for social media but you don’t have any computer. Don’t worry, with FilmoraGo you can make videos with your tablet or smartphone. Video editing is a simple thing when you editing with FilmoraGo. In the past, the FilmoraGo video maker has a different name. That is Wondershare pro. New FilmoraGo is a new and improved version of Wondershare pro.

How to edit with FilmoraGo 

  1. You can select your media files from your gallery, portable storage, cloud, even Instagram or Facebook.

  2. Then add a theme or your own pieces of music, animations, titles and transitions.

  3. Then Save to your gallery or click share and click whatever app you want.

Why the FilmoraGo is best

For other video editing apps have some duration limits or watermarks. Filmora has no limits and no watermarks. FilmoraGo allows you to share those videos to any whare with a single click. There is a list of most excellent features in FilmoraGo app,

  1. FilmoraGo app can preview your edited video in realtime.

  2. The app owns a bunch of pre-build stylized themes and presets.

  3. You can get songs or music from Filmora’s own music library.

  4. Thre are 1:1 and 16:9 and many aspect ratios. Those are great for TikTok and other social media. 

  5. Also, You can slow down or speed up your video.

  6. Filmora can add titles and descriptions to your videos.

  7. The best part is you can save your videos in HD.

How to download FilmoraGo lastest apk


You can click the download button and after you download the file, click install and follow the steps. After successfully install, you can open the app and you can use the app as you wanted.

How to edit quick clip using FilmoraGo

Three steps in nine words,

  1. Select your media files

  2. Edit files

  3. Save or Share

Benefits of the Paid version of FilmoraGo

If you want to get music and songs from their store, you have to get a paid version of FilmoraGo. Also, some of the transitions, font and other animations only have in the paid version. There is a watermark in the finishing screen of your video, if you want to remove that, you have to get paid FilmoraGo.

More about the app

The Lastest version of FilmoraGo is version 3.1.4 and it is around 35MB. The app has more than 10 million downloads since the launch. You can run this app using your android smartphone or tablet with android 4.2 or higher. Please remember that the app has in-app purchasing around $1.99 to $29.99.

Frequency asked questions about FilmoreGo

  1. Is it a free app?

Yes. but there is a paid feature. You can read more about in this article.

  1. Are there any limits?

No. you can put videos and images and make any video with any duration.

  1. Are there any watermarks?

Yes. After the video ends, there is a 3-second watermark.

  1. Is it compatible with my android device?

You can put this app on any android device with android 4.2 or higher.

  1. Can I post those videos on social media?

Yes. you can save or share videos on any social media network with a single touch.


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